

11′ – 2007
for choir

Vision was born in 2007 in the wake of Les Corps Exquis, a room where was used a process of recording and broadcasting of each of the parts that compose it, creating an effect of vocal overlays questioning the immediate memory and awakening the deep memory, that which the forgetting generally protects. The choir a cappella, often in unison, sings a meditative text along a melodic line where the horizontal (monody) and the vertical (the fixed sounds) intersect, mix, unfold or move away.

The electroacoustic work was performed on five pieces – Zikr, La Scala del Cielo, Illuminations, Neb Ankh, Khat – whose composer extracted waves, tablecloths, sonic energies, strange vanishing lines. The harmonic effect is striking because its depth of field seems to form a backdrop of an “immemorial” memory. The term vision is as much for the eye as for the ear and the heart, seizures, moments when everything appears in the light. From perception to appearance, from intuition to dream or revelation, from feeling to simulacrum, a breakthrough of our inner world.

Premiere July 11, 2008
Festival “Musiques des Lumières” de Sorèze
by les éléments, direction Joël Suhubiette

October 22, 2008 national publication of the Visions CD, l’empreinte digitale, France.

November 14, 2008 presentation in Toulouse, House Midi-Pyrenees with Joel Suhubiette

May 17, 2009 Toulouse, by les éléments, direction Joël Suhubiette

May 18, 2010 Voice Presences Odyssud, Blagnac by les éléments, direction Joël Suhubiette

April 2, 2011 Temple of Pentemont in Paris by Varia Voce and Les Courants d’air, direction Agathe Bioules

December 20, 2015 solidarity concert, “Stars of East and West”, Temple Lantern Lyon (69) by the chœur Spirito & the Young Symphonic Choir, direction Nicole Corti

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