

8′ – 2006
for ensemble & voice

Aes ustum is an alchemical term for copper oxide or Venice lime. From a book on ancient alchemy, this text by R. Bacon served as a basis for writing this work. Iron, copper, lead, tin, silver, and gold. These six matters are traversed by a soprano voice, and vibrated by six instruments. Constantly oscillating between measured and recitative writing (stability and instability), this material seeks in vain to free itself from its own weight and thus reflects the tragic condition of men. The piece ends with gold as “miserable” as iron with a slight transformation of timbre. The “iron” and “gold” the “good” and the “bad” are unfortunate founding notions of our contemporary world.

1 soprano, 1 flute, 1 clarinet, 1 piano, 1 percussion, 1 violin, 1 cello

(2 tams hanging (1 large and 1 medium), 1 cup worst possible 1 vibraphone, two rattlesnakes (So diese, clé de sol, sol bécarre clé de sol), 13 gongs: clé de fa: fa ≠ – sol (4th line, 4th interline) – clé de sol : montée chromatique mi bémol 1ère ligne jusqu’au do≠ 3e interligne)

from a text by Roger Bacon in Italian

Premiere: May 31, 2006
Le Quartz, Brest, France
by Donatienne Michel Dansac and the Sillages ensemble

November 24, 2007 The Hexagon, Festival 38e Rugissants, Grenoble by Françoise Kubler, soprano and ensemble Orchestral Contemporain

Commissioned by Onoma musical editions

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