Quel mystère que tu aies un corps


15′ – 2018
a capella voice

The creation of a work is always a fragile moment and particularly moving. Under the influence of some underground force, sound arises like water from a source whose origin or secret route is unknown. Intersect two paths: the composer, his imagination, his know-how, his intuition, his inspiration; and the performers, their imagination, their know-how, their suppleness, their plasticity … all the same, it is that suddenly the dull sonorous song, a renewed experience of the miracle. Because what happens then is prodigious and transgress all logic, all mechanics, all common sense. This piece created here is the living example, ontological, tautological: what mystery you have a body, beyond any principle of contradiction, the song erases the text, erases the meaning to lead us below language in the pure emotion of existence and of the other. Catherine Peillon

text inspired by Sekko (plaster)
poem by Takayuki Kiyooka (1922-2006)

White as if he was chilling a nude
was hanging on my dream
Traces of the chisel that had cut the shapes
Were caressed by the wind of my dream
And to my eyes brimming with sadness
This face was not unknown
What a mystery you have a body!

text inspired by Sekko (plaster)
poem by Takayuki Kiyooka (1922-2006)
singing language: imaginary

August 4, 2018 premiere, Church of Glaizil, Hautes Alpes, Chaillol Festival by the Irini ensemble

August 5, 2018 premiere, abbey of Boscodon, Hautes Alpes, Chaillol by the Irini ensemble

Venue: église du Glaizil, abbaye de Boscodon (Festival de Chaillol)
by l’ensemble Irini Lila Hajosi (direction, Marie Pons, Julie Azoulay

Commissioned by l’Espace Culturel de Chaillol

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